Loss: The Lost Episode

THIS STORYU IS A WARNING THAT THE LOSS COMCI IS CURSED, THE IMAGE SJOWN IS CURSED AND IF YOU LOOK AT IT YOU WILL GO TO HELL AND NOT HEAVEN IF U CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!! IF YOU LOOK AT THE IMAGE DONT TURN AAROUND AFTER READING THIS!!!!!!!!!! this image was found in a wbsite from HELL thats how i got this cursed image!! this image would not be on the refgular internet!!! it would be on the DEEPIE SPOOKE WEB!!!
Hello my name is Alex Jame, you may not believe this but I used to be a friend with Tim Buckly the creator of ctrl alt del. Tim was currently creating a comic and he was about to show it to me, he called it loss and it was supposed to be all friendship and how moving away can be. However when Tim showed me it i was extremly shocked and i fucking pissed my self. The comic was called Loss and it involved the main character going on a hospital massacre. The main character of loss somehow had a gun, he killd the recpeption Ist and then the Doctore? Then The main character SHOT HIS WOMAN!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot believe tim buckes dide this!!!!! i was mad, i was thinking about stopping this but he then revealed he was SATAN and he sent me to hell. the newsletter in hell shown that the girl in the comic is my dead girlfriend and the main characxter was me. i was extremely scared. the comick was shown in hell news and it showed the blood being extremly realstic and had gaping balck holes in my eyes the date was 6 6 6 16.. there was a evil shadow looking like it was controlling me the news article said and cleverbot said i was a gay and i was sent to court by pehnoxi wright. and i was quilty and now i died and i am in hell currently writiing this on my iphone i need to share this story to say to not TRUST TIM BUCKLEY THE CREATOR OF CTRL ALT DELETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will never look at comics the same way again....
My theory is that tim is the DEVIL AND ANARCHIST OF THE WORLD!!!! HE SHOULKD BE HER WITH ME!!!!!!!